For students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering of the School of Computer Science. A B2 vantage (or upper intermediate) English certificate is required.
I'm a computer scientist with a background in graphic design and photography who likes to improve user interaction.
I design emotional online marketing strategies to make your message truly reach your customers.
I also run the Human Communicacion and Interaction Research Group (HCI-RG) at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oviedo.
Below I briefly mention some of the core research tasks where I participated over the years.
Examples of my videography artwork used in marketing campaigns are seen in the following films. Some of them are global advertising efforts broadcasted throughout numerous European nations. Don't forget to follow my Youtube Channel to gain access to fresh movies.
Here is a sample of my photographs that have been recognised or displayed at festivals and competitions.
Below are samples of promotional posters I designed over the last years
Below are my my teaching activities for this academic year.
My tutoring service is designed to provide guidance about undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. It is not available by e-Mail (since this channel is ambiguous and prone to spread misconceptions). The service is intented to help mastering knowledge and skills applied to solve real-life engineering problems, not to solve exams!
PLEASE NOTICE that an appointment is needed. The request has to be received at least 24 business hours before the meeting. Please select your preferred tutoring time slot in my academic agenda included below and contact me to confirm your selection.
I am the author of several academic and fictional books and tutorials. These documents are available for free download from my book Store, the Zenodo repository, and the repository of the University of Oviedo. Some of those them are included below.
La Cabera Xunta Jedi: Empecipiando la Orde 66, un grupu de Jedis son arrodiáos nel Templu pol exércitu clon. Van tener que amestar les sos fuercies y habilidáes pa lluchar pola so supervivencia.
The Last Jedi Gathering: After Order 66 was declared, a group of Jedi is surrounded in the Temple by the clone army. They must combine their forces and abilities to fight for their survival.
La última Asamblea Jedi: Tras declararse la Orden 66, un grupo de Jedis es rodeado en el Templo por el ejército clon. Deberán combinar sus fuerzas y habilidades para luchar por su supervivencia.
Star Trails: Astronomy with light Equipment: This book compiles a captivating series of celestial objects, including nebulae, binary stars, and galaxies, all of which can be truly observed with binoculars or small aperture telescopes. It invites you to embark on a celestial adventure from the comfort of your own backyard. Whether you are seeking to deepen your knowledge of the cosmos or simply marvel at its beauty.
Fundamentos de Fotografía Digital: Guía básica para todo entusiasta de la fotografía que busca dominar las técnicas y conceptos clave en el mundo digital. Este tutorial aborda de manera clara y concisa temas fundamentales como el revelado digital, los montajes fotográficos y el positivado, permitiendo a los lectores desarrollar sus habilidades creativas y expresivas. Además, explora en detalle el triángulo de exposición, desentrañando el equilibrio perfecto entre apertura, velocidad de obturación e ISO, para lograr imágenes nítidas y bien expuestas en cualquier situación.
Data Structures: Fundamentals and Applications: This book describes the fundamentals of data structures and how they can be used in software development. It is intended to help understand how to efficiently solve complex problems. The book is divided into three areas: Graphs, Trees (including AVL and B-trees), and Hash tables. Algorithmic complexity with Big-O notation is used to analyze all the algorithms and structures presented.
Estructuras de datos: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones: Este libro describe los fundamentos de las estructuras de datos y cómo se pueden usar en el desarrollo de software. Está destinado a comprender como resolver problemas complejos de manera eficiente. El libro se divide en tres áreas: Grafos, árboles (incluyendo AVL y árboles B) y tablas hash. La complejidad algorítmica con notación Big-O se utiliza para analizar todos los algoritmos y estructuras explicadas.
Lecture Notes in Introduction to Programming: This book serves as an introduction to the world of programming, specifically tailored for those seeking a solid understanding of Java with a focus on object-oriented principles. The text stands out for its hands-on approach, guiding readers through step-by-step exercises that culminate in the creation of a sophisticated airplane model complete with passenger reservations, landing gear systems, and a captivating text-based simulation featuring multiple aircraft navigating a radar screen.
Lecture Notes in Data Structures: Readers are presented with a comprehensive and hands-on approach to mastering the intricacies of fundamental data structures. Focusing on Java programming, the text provides a thorough exploration of widely-used data structures, offering step-by-step exercises that guide readers through the process of implementing key concepts. It covers essential data structures, including graphs with algorithms such as Floyd and Dijkstra, AVL trees, Binary Heaps, and Hash Tables.
Below you will find the list of the Erasmus interchange agreements I am coordinating at this time.
Students participating in this program must send me a draft of the Propuesta de Estudios document for prior approval and validation. This document must include links to the academic program of every subject they want to enroll in, both abroad and at the Univesity of Oviedo.
Once approved, they must send me the signed Erasmus Learning Agreement (ELA) document, it is available for download at the University of Oviedo's Erasmus Student Mobility Programme site.
The list of subjets to be taken abroad must include a minimum of 30 ECTS.
Please hurry up as the validation process may take several weeks!
You may check some examples of subjects that were transfereable in previous editions.
For students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering of the School of Computer Science. A B2 vantage (or upper intermediate) English certificate is required.
For students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering or students of the Master and Doctorate in Web Engineering of the School of Computer Science. A B2 vantage (or upper intermediate) English certificate is required.
For students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering of the School of Computer Science. A B2 vantage (or upper intermediate) English certificate is required.
For students of the Bachelor of Software Engineering or students of the Master and Doctorate in Web Engineering of the School of Computer Science. A B2 vantage (or upper intermediate) English is required.
Your comments and suggestions are important.
Address: Universidad de Oviedo; Departamento de Informática; Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo 18, Office 240; 33007 Uviéu; Spain.